Five Common Mistakes in House Flipping

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House flipping is a common way for interested people to enter the competitive real estate game. Some of them are in it for the sheer interest of making profits. After all, it’s an investment with a quick turnaround. Instead of buying a property for the sole purpose of renting it out, you’re selling it to interested home buyers. It saves you the time and effort exerted in managing tenants and paying for taxes and maintenance.

It’s a pretty straightforward process: you look for a property, buy it, invest in its renovation, go to a real estate website such as, look for interested buyers, and make a sizable profit from the sale.

But, in reality, house flipping is so much more than that. It entails a lot of analysis and planning for logistics. You have to plan the budget and timeline. Because of the complexity of house flipping, people, especially beginners, are vulnerable to mistakes. These are the five most common ones that you should always avoid.

Failing to Analyze the Market

Some people might think that the first step to house flipping is buying the property you want to sell. That’s not exactly right. Rather, the first step is analyzing the market for real estate. You have to understand first the climate of the economy. Would buyers think that today is a good time to invest in a house?

If yes, then the next thing that you must ask yourself is this: where should you look for the property to buy and sell? You have to analyze which neighborhoods are up-and-coming. Do a market analysis to see the risks and payoffs of different neighborhoods and find which is your best bet.

Forgetting to Cover All the Necessary Paperwork

This may seem such a minor task but you’d be surprised at how many people fall prey to this mistake. And we can hardly blame them. With all of the things that you have to consider throughout the process of house flipping, going to the courthouse to process some paperwork can feel like such a waste of time and effort.

But we shouldn’t be too complacent. Unlicensed construction can lead to the failure of your house’s sale. It would lead to problems with building permits. Then it could lead to lawsuits that would cost you more money. And, on top of all of that, your buyers may even back out because of the legal issues.

Going Over the Budget

This is very common in big projects such as house flipping. But just because it’s common, that doesn’t actually excuse you from committing it. The fun part about house flipping is that you can have the opportunity to help in the design of the house. This experience might awaken the architect or interior design in you.

However, amid all of the excitement over renovating, you might find yourself getting carried away by overspending on materials. So always look for cost-effective sources of materials. But, the best way to avoid this is to always keep in mind that this is not your house. You’re not the one who’s going to build a family in it. So don’t get too attached to fancy finishes.

Going Overboard with the Renovation

Exterior renovation

Another issue with the renovating is over-improving. Because you got too excited with the prospect of designing, you might end up with a house that’s too modern. If traditional is more your taste, you might end up recreating a home that may as well exist a hundred years ago.

There’s really nothing wrong with renovating a house that adheres to a certain style. But this might make your pool of potential buyers too small and niche. The thing about selling houses is that you should always make sure that it could catch the interest of as many people as possible.

Forgetting to Improve the Landscape

When we start planning renovations, our minds jump straight to the design of the kitchen, bathroom, and any other room inside the house. Our last priority is almost always the landscape. But that shouldn’t be the case. If anything, it’s just as important as the house itself.

This is because it’s one of the first few things that your potential buyers would see. So it won’t matter if the exterior of the house is beyond pristine if the land around it barely has grass, much less flowers and other garden fixtures.

After knowing these common mistakes will help you understand that house flipping is never easy. Like many major projects with potentially big payoffs, it might lead to challenges such as budget deficits and legal issues. But if you avoid such mistakes, then you should be fine. You would be able to reap the rewards of house flipping.

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